Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Kings Mills Elementary
All Student Art Show 

 Kings Mills Elementary 
All Student Art Show

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coral Reef

Second grade students created their impression of a coral reef.  Students began by splattering watercolor on the paper to give the impression of water and sand.  Students then drew  a variety of fish that they colored with oil pastel.  Coral was added with watercolor to complete the reef.  

ROY G. BIV Snow People

First grade students studied ROY. G BIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.)  We discussed primary colors and how they create secondary colors.  The students painted ROY G. BIV across a piece of paper.  This painted paper was used to create the scarf, hat and facial features of a snow person.

Penguin Parade

Penguins of all shapes and sizes were created by Kindergarten.  Students used circles, ovals, triangles and crescent shapes to piece together a penguin.  Skies were watercolored to create a background.  Scarves, hats, snowballs, even eggs were used to decorate each penguin.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Kids Art Fair

Thank you to the families that attended our annual Kids Art Fair.  A very special thank you to the KME families who supported the arts by purchasing their students art work.  The money raised by this fundraiser allows your child the opportunity to do clay, glazes and other fun projects in our art room.  Whether this work graces your walls or was given as a gift, please know your purchase was greatly appreciated! 

1st Grade Flower Vases and Kindergarten Hand Print Art

2nd Grade Ink Blown Trees

3rd Grade Woven Landscapes

4th Grade Funky Flowers

Crazy Cacti's

First grade students created crazy cacti's.  Shapes were used to create the base and arms of the cactus.  Tissue paper was laid on the cactus to stain the paper, creating a tye-dye effect.  Glitter glue and paint were added to show details and lines.  Triangles of paper were added to resemble the needles of cactus.